Enhancing simulation-based education with SPs/human role players

By Education Management Solutions (other events)

Mon, Mar 2 2020 4:00 PM EST Fri, Apr 24 2020 5:00 PM EST

Considering how to apply the INACSL Standards for Best Practice for Simulation Design, Operation and Facilitation, or the ASPE Standards of Best Practice? This eight-week web-based course is developed and presented by subject matter experts Tony Errichetti, PhD, and Cathy Smith, PhD. Drs. Errichetti and Smith each bring 25 years of experience in the field. The course is based upon cited evidence-based practice.

Simulated Participants, Simulated Patients, Standardized Patients, Embedded Participants - no matter the terminology, integrating this powerful role into your simulation activity can be provide powerful and lasting results. Vital to this kind of simulation-based learning, including the effectivelness of the debriefing, is the unique type of preparation required. The resources required to work with SPs can be undervalued or underestimated. Join Tony Errichetti, PhD, and Cathy Smith, PhD. through lecture and guided practice to understand the role of SP and what you need to consider when developing your SP program.

Listen to Dr. Errichetti and Dr. Smith discuss the benefits of integrating simulated or standardized patients into your simulation program and considerations for best practice and professional development

Course Goal:  Participants will develop an improved understanding of SP methodology and how to apply it when working with human role players in simulation-based education

From previous participants:

"I offer a strong recommendation for novice to expert SP educators to take this online course.The novice will gain a foundation and the expert will find solutions to improve an existing program. Thank you to Dr. Errichetti and Dr. Smith for their time and mentoring."        
Leslie Catron, M.A.ED, BSN, RN, CHSE
Simulation Center Manager
California Health Sciences University
College of Osteopathic Medicine

"This course is a perfect foundation for those starting an SP program.  It is also helpful for people in the midst to improve their SP process. Overall, having two experts with clear feedback is incredibly helpful. Many people are looking for this, and here it is." 

"I appreciated the resources and tools provided. It would have taken me way longer to find them. I don't have to re-invent the wheel." "This course increased my confidence"

The course will include:

  1. Four web-based modules (2 weeks per module)
  2. On-demand lectures, resources and supplemental media
  3. Required and elective module assignments that include readings, case studies and discussion questions
  4. Four live online meetings  Thursdays March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23, 2020 at 5 pm ET
  5. Consultation with faculty

You will gain an enhanced understanding of and ability to apply SP methodology in practice through:

  1. Implementation of Standards of Best Practice
  2. Recruiting, screening, on-boarding, casting and retaining SPs
  3. Key considerations for writing SP based cases and scenarios
  4. Training, role portrayal and assessment
  5. Ensuring quality

The live sessions are scheduled Thursdays March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23, 2020 at 5 pm ET

In addition, the faculty will have open office hours

The course will be limited to 12 participants per session.

Nursing Contact Hours

This continuing nursing education activity has been approved by The American Association of Nurse Attorneys (TAANA) through the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 16785, for a maximum of 12 contact hour(s). 

Course Faculty:

Tony Errichetti, PhD, CHSE
Director, Doctor-Patient Communication Assessment
National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners

Dr Errichetti has developed doctor-patient and health team communication assessment rubrics and presents nationally and internationally on these topics. Tony is a consultant for medical schools and health sciences programs on simulation program development, and trains staff to prepare Standardized Patients and clinical faculty to assess communication and provide debriefing.

Cathy Smith, PhD
Simulation Consultant, Baycrest Health Sciences
National SP Training Consultant, Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada

Dr. Smith has worked as a simulationist in health professional education for over 25 years. She consults with various educational, training and assessment organizations locally, nationally and internationally. Cathy's particular focus is on simulated/ standardized patient (SP) methodology. Recent peer reviewed articles include the ASPE Standards of Best Practice for human role players in simulation.

Who Should Attend:

This course is perfect for educators and technicians from ANY healthcare or professional discipline seeking foundation or refresher instruction on best practice in recruiting, training, integrating and developing programs or events with simulated participants or patients. Special emphasis in nursing and allied health.

Act Fast - Due to the interactive nature, this course is limited to 12 seats

Sponsored by Education Management Solutions LLC and the Global Institute for Simulation Training, Exton, PA

Cancellation Policy: Any changes or cancellations to a training class less than 7 days prior to the scheduled dates will result in a charge equal to 100% of the class fee. Any changes or cancellations made to a training class from 8-14 days before the course will result in a charge equal to 50% of the class fee. Any substitutions, changes, or cancellations made more than 14 days in advance of the scheduled course will not result in an additional charge.


Registrants will receive the URL, username and password to access the course. 

For purchase orders or other payment options, please contact [email protected]